This probably only applies to new saves.Fixed an issue when the player used the horseflute from the back of the mount.Added a message that shows that the horseflute was added to the inventory.Fixed a crash caused when attempting to the book "Diary of a Miner".Already renamed items are not affected by this fix.Probably fixed a bug that caused items to be renamed as their actual effect.Lots of items are now properly craftable.Learning and Crafting book should no longer restore health upon being read.Fixed a bug that caused souls to respawn and allowing the player to have multiple souls of the same name.Normal and Red Vynroot now also get affected by the perk "Careful Harvest".Improved several conditions of generic dialogue.Fixed an issue causing some NPC to only wear underwear.Fixed a bug in the Battle of Treomar card game that caused the wrong card value to be stored if the player waited long enough while attempting to cheat.

Adjusted the file enblocal.ini to solve keyboard incompatibility issues."Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05): Probably fixed an issue that caused the Father to appear way to early at the excavation site."In our Shadows" (FS_NQR03): Knowledge dialogue gets evaluated properly.Make sure to do this at least 2-3 times and cornfirm each line with enter. If you already have this quest started or if the combat soundtrack is already looping in your save, you can enter the command "removemusic b6327" into the console."Errand Boy" (NQ_G_03): Probably fixed a bug that caused the combat soundtrack to get stuck when the two enemeis at the caravan.The player is no longer able to leave Old Garagatha via teleport scrolls upon a certain point during the quest. "The Long Way to the Top" (NQ_G_02): Added an additional Questmarker for Old Garagatha, so if the player leaves, he'll find the location again.Fixed an issue that prevented Gunam giving the player his vouchers. Fixed an issue that lead to a hold when the player left Rogash's dialogue too early. "A Foot in the Door" (NQ_G_01): Fixed an issue that ended the previous quest early and locked the player out of the quest line."Cuthbert's Legacy" (FS_NQ07): Fixed a bug where Aurora got stuck during her animation, preventing the start of the dinner scene.

Fixed an issue with the notes of Mirell still being interactable after starting quest.

Note: This patch is only available for the Steam version which is the only maintained version of Enderal.